Irymple Hotel pushes on with revamp during virus lockdown

 SUNRAYSIA pubs may be temporarily closed but some are preparing for the day they can serve the public once again.

The Irymple Hotel is undergoing major interior renovations that include updating the main bar.

Irymple Hotel bar manager James Kedmenec said the renovations had always been planned and the COVID-19 hospitality restrictions were now giving them the chance.

"Hopefully it'll bring a better experience for customers, along with an updated look," he said.

The Irymple Hotel has already experienced some significant upgrades in the last few years, including outside decking.

"It gave our customers the opportunity to sit outside in quite a big area and now we're looking to improve the look inside," Mr Kedmenec said.

The renovations are expected to take several weeks to complete.

Mr Kedmenec admitted the COVID-19 restrictions came as a surprise when they were first introduced but, unlike pubs in Melbourne, he was not desperate for an answer on when the hotel could reopen.

"Obviously we want to know when we can reopen but the priority is making sure everyone stays safe and then working around that," he said.

"We're happy to go with whatever keeps everyone safe.

"I suppose there's two sides to it -- if we've got more time we can make sure we've got everything exactly how we want it and then if it's less time we can get back to serving customers."

In the meantime Mr Kedmenec has plenty to keep him occupied with the pub's renovations.

"Me and dad in particular have been pretty hands-on in helping to take it all apart," he said.

"Now it requires proper tradesmen so they're coming in to build the bar."

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