Sunraysia daily
Let physical activity clear your head during the crisis

Fitness tips from John Hollywood

Club Aquarius Mildura

I’ve been around physical activity for most of my adult life, through sport, military service, fitness instructing and of course as a fitness centre owner.

Mostly the exercise was done to get a physical result to run, jump, kick and basically perform better or maybe just look and feel good.

But I’m now starting to think during these uncertain times that just doing some form of physical activity really is just about clearing my head and taking some of my worries away.

I like you am not sure what the future holds for our staff, our business and of course our customers alike.

And with these extensive social distancing policies now put into place to try and limit the spread of COVID – 19 most of us will be spending most of our time at home thinking about these uncertainties way too much.

This is where I believe some physical activity has to help.

Self-isolation will make a lot of us feel that we have fewer opportunities to do the physical activity that we love, gym, classes, and team orientated leisure time sports but I ask that you try not to think this way.

There is another side of all this, all be it, not as we currently know it but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

And I encourage us all to keep focus on that by doing physical activity during self-isolation.

We all know exercise helps to keep our immune system strong, less susceptible to infections and better able to recover from them.

Most of us will also know that physical inactivity cost us over five million lives globally last year, but you don’t need me to push these stats down your throats during these crazy times.

So how do we limit some of the effects of the impact of COVID-19 through physical activity whilst stuck at home and how much should I do?

How much physical activity?

I’m a trainer so naturally I’d say as often as you feel but using the World Health Organisation recommendations for exercise you require 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week.

You’re also going to need two or more days of Muscle-strengthen exercises per week.

How do you do that?

Body weight – it’s yours to use.

I believe body weight strength exercises that use your own bodyweight – such as sit-ups, dips, push-ups and planks are just as important to your overall health as aerobic exercise. We are putting up bodyweight routines online almost on a daily basis but there is plenty out there for you to try. Aim for a couple of these sessions per week. If you haven’t been training don’t go nuts and try to complete a session well outside of your fitness range.

Dance the COVID-19 away

Yep, I can’t believe I’m saying it, but I watched Narella and little Johnny bopping to some songs yesterday and they asked me to join them, some 10 songs later and knackered we have decided to do a small dance session most days.

Of course, I’m just doing it to entertain the little bloke and not because it is bringing back my disco days.

Pets and gardens

Out pets would spend 24 hours a day with us if they had a choice, so this is a very good opportunity to bond more with our 4 legged friends.

Take this time to walk them and yourself (which were still allowed to do) or just active play.

I know my dogs have more than welcomed these extra play times.

Now is your chance to get your garden spick and span and clock up extra minutes of moderate or in some cases intense exercise.

Sit less

Some of you will be laughing at this statement as you browse through your next Netflix show or movie.

But in our house every 30 to 40 minutes movies are paused and everybody walks out the back and around the garden to grab some fresh air.

Look for simple solutions to get some activity in.

While social-distancing is in play, ensure you look after your mind by getting in your physical activity.

Doctors are worried that the imposed isolation will likely see steep rises in sedentary time and therefore drastically reduce our levels of exercise.

I gave a few suggestions above which I’m sure most fitness experts and life coaches would be recommending during this time.

But there is so much you can do with no special gear and limited space. Keep as active as you can and keep that head clear.

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