No active coronavirus cases attributed to Mildura area

MILDURA is no longer linked to an active coronavirus case, according to Wednesday's Department of Health and Human Services update.

The Mildura local government area has had six total cases attributed to it by the department.

For the past three weeks, one of those cases was listed as active.

That case was understood to be a woman with an Irymple address who had travelled to Melbourne for an operation and tested positive while still in Melbourne, where she went into isolation.

Case locations published by the department rely on a person's listed address.

No local government areas neighbouring Mildura -- West Wimmera, Hindmarsh, Yarriambiack, Buloke and Swan Hill -- have an active case.

In New South Wales, neither the Far West or Murrumbidgee health districts had active cases, according to NSW Health.

The nearest municipality to Mildura reported to have active cases was Horsham, with two.

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